Thursday, May 21, 2015


久违了的越卖越心痛又回来了,哈哈哈,最近开始把Margin 买的股套利,安全第一,结果每次一卖,第二天就大起,很久没有这种感觉,感觉一点都不好受。


我不知道,但股市最近的波动,加上我本身触觉,说真的,我确实感到不安,所以才开始减持 Margin 的股票。

少了 Margin 的股票,就算是熊市到来,我相信我还能安然度过,至少,晚上还能睡得好。


Padini 2015 3Q Report

Year-on-year, revenues for the quarter under review have risen by about 29.6% (RM64.8million). This was mainly due to the longer Chinese New Year shopping season available this year. Further to that, there was an additional 7 Brand Outlet Stores and 6 Padini Concept Stores that were opened after the end of the previous year’s corresponding quarter contributing to the revenues of the quarter under review.


下一季应该能看到 GST 的影响,估计不会比这个季好看。


JCY International Berhad

另一家受惠于美金走强的公司,这家公司主要是生产 Harddisk 零件。

Harddisk 啊,听起来就感觉很多人没有用了,哈哈哈,所以,JCY 在 2013 年进入了亏损业绩。

经过一番努力,JCY 在 2014 年开始转亏为盈,公司很努力地减低成本,自动化生产系统,一系列的改革开始见效。

Western Digital 和 Maxtor 都是它的客户。

2015 年上半年,业绩倾向好的一面,那下半年如何?

Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) shipment numbers released recently for the 31 March 2015 quarter continue to reveal softness in PC builds with output down slightly compared with the shipment number in the previous financial quarter. However, enterprise shipments are expected to recover in the second half of the year on increased demand from traditional storage/server vendors as well as hyperscale companies.

The Sony Playstation 4 finally commenced selling in China towards the end of March 2015 and the prospective PC refresh cycle resulting from Windows 10 may help to improve HDD shipments for the second half of 2015. The demand for cloud infrastructure and enterprise applications will continue to make up for the reduction in PC shipments.

The recent appreciation of the US Dollar relative to Ringgit Malaysia will continue to benefit JCY’s results as all JCY’s sales are denominated in U.S. Dollars. JCY will continue to automate its
production process to improve productivity and reduce reliance on manual workers. JCY’s competitive strengths of economies of scale and multi-components capability will enhance JCY’s future profitability.


以价值的角度去看,一家能赚大概 10 sens 一年的公司,明显被低估了,再说一年估计有 5 sens 的股息,大概 6.67% 的 DY,这相当吸引人。


坏的一面是,公司的股票流通量不高,再说 Harddisk 怎么说都会过时的产品,当 Cloud Computing 来的时候,如果公司能卖给这些 Cloud 的公司,那还好,如果不能,就是负面的影响了。

不过,据我所知,目前公司 aim 的客户都是公司,而不是私人。

注明: 我的资料只供参考,我不对任何看了我的文章而进行买卖的亏损负责任,要知道,买卖自负哦。


Friday, May 15, 2015


自从 CIMB 有了 30 大股东搜索功能,大家很轻易就能搜索到这方面的资料,结果是,冷眼的名字就变成了搜索的重要字眼之一。



冷眼前辈的方式是他自己经验累积出来的方式,并不是那么容易模仿,虽然冷眼前辈选中的股很多都让他开翻,但不要忘记,他有很多股也做了止损的动作,当中包括 Ivory, Johotin, Yee Lee 等。




还记得 2010,我写过一篇 “拜访世叔” 的文章,如果有兴趣可到以下的链接查阅。 FB 链接 很遗憾的,当年拜访的世叔 B 和 世叔 C 都已经离世,虽然他们寂寂无闻,也不是什么大人物,但他们在乡下佬心中,是成功的。 就在世叔 B 的丧礼里,我再次遇到世叔 A,当然,大家都是爱...