Saturday, September 6, 2014

NTPM 2015 1Q Report

From 2015 1Q Report:

Meanwhile, the rise in labour and overhead costs is expected to dampen the Group’s profitability further.

The increase in electricity tariff rates in January 2014 and natural gas tariffs in May 2014 will cause overhead costs to escalate and will affect the financial performance for the upcoming year.


Both the tissue and personal care segment will continue to operate in a tough environment as most of the FMCG (“Fast-Moving Consumer Goods”) companies continue to shift their focus from protecting margins to increasing volumes.

这个更够力,同行开始薄利多销了 !!!

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还记得 2010,我写过一篇 “拜访世叔” 的文章,如果有兴趣可到以下的链接查阅。 FB 链接 很遗憾的,当年拜访的世叔 B 和 世叔 C 都已经离世,虽然他们寂寂无闻,也不是什么大人物,但他们在乡下佬心中,是成功的。 就在世叔 B 的丧礼里,我再次遇到世叔 A,当然,大家都是爱...