Thursday, May 15, 2014

Aeon 2014 1Q Report


强如 Aeon 也有业绩下滑的迹象,从季报里说到:

Profit before taxation of RM66.7 million was however 10.8% lower as compared to RM74.8 million in the previous year corresponding quarter mainly due to higher utilities and promotion expenses as well as initial costs associated with new stores opening.


The Malaysian economy is expected to remain resilient in 2014 even though domestic consumption will be facing challenges from rising cost of living as a result of increase in prices of goods and services.

The Group, leveraging on its 30th year anniversary activities, competitive strengths and refurbishment programme, remains optimistic of an improved performance for 2014.



还记得 2010,我写过一篇 “拜访世叔” 的文章,如果有兴趣可到以下的链接查阅。 FB 链接 很遗憾的,当年拜访的世叔 B 和 世叔 C 都已经离世,虽然他们寂寂无闻,也不是什么大人物,但他们在乡下佬心中,是成功的。 就在世叔 B 的丧礼里,我再次遇到世叔 A,当然,大家都是爱...